Monday, 13 February 2012

Tag: 7 Deadly Sins of Beauty

So a tag that I've been seeing floating around lately is the 7 Deadly Sins of Beauty, and it looked like a bit of fun, so I figured I'd give it a go.

What is your most inexpensive beauty product?

My most inexpensive beauty products are the elf All Over Colour Stick, and the elf Essential Eye Dueo Cream Eye Shadow - Both $3AU

What is your most expensive beauty product?

My most expensive beauty products are MAC Studio Fix Fluid Foundation, Benefit's Hoola Bronzer, and the Urban Decay Naked Palette - All retailing around $50AU

What beauty products do you have a love/hate relationship with?
What has been hardest to find?
The beauty product I have a love/hate relationship with is bronzer - I feel it could work wonders for me... If I could figure out how to do it properly.
The beauty product that has been hardest to find was my beloved Naked Palette

What are your most delicious beauty products?
My most delicious product would be my Lush Cupcake Mask. It smells like chocolate and works wonders!

What beauty product do you neglect due to laziness?
The beauty products I neglect most due to laziness would be my bronzer (poor thing) and primers - you can tell I obviously neglect face primer when I don't even have a full size product!

What beauty product gives you more confidence?
The beauty product that gives me the most confidence would be my Garnier BB Cream on a good day, or my Covergirl NatureLuxe foundation on a day when I need that little bit more coverage - having good skin just makes me feel that much better.

What attributes do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?
As this is a beauty article, I'm assuming, and therefore just naming aesthetic features. I like guys with brown, warm eyes and cute smiles. Dark hair is also a personal favorite of mine, and I think dimples are really cute too. Height (or at least taller than me) isn't a bad thing either.

What item would you most like to receive as a gift?
I would love to receive the Sigma Synthetic Essential Kit as a gift, simply because I love the one brush I have from that range, and I'd love to have more!

So there you have it. My seven deadly sins of beauty. What are yours?
Love Gianna


  1. I just did this tag on my blog! How fun!
    ♥ a fellow Aussie blogger -

  2. Oh, you made me laugh about the bronzer! Yes, I have Hoola too and, yes, I neglect it too!!

  3. Mmmmm that picture of the cupcake mask looks amazing!
    I did this tag and linked back to you :)
